Remote learning Contingency Plan

Dear current and prospective ESSYI students and families,

We hope that each of you and your families are doing as well as possible in the midst of this challenging time. We recognize that many of you face social, emotional, financial, and personal struggles. While the start of ESSYI in the middle of July is still several months away, we want to address any concerns regarding possible disruptions to the program.

ESSYI is an incredible experience. For two weeks, students are immersed in exploring the natural world and environmental issues through a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. They engage with the 49 other diverse participants from 15 to 20 states and five or six other countries. Together, these experiences help each participant become better prepared to collectively develop and pursue solutions to pressing environmental problems.

Over the next several months, we will assess the viability of ESSYI as a face-to-face experience and, as soon as possible (likely in early May), decide how to offer ESSYI. In case it becomes necessary, we are developing a clear, ambitious, but accessible contingency plan to facilitate ESSYI as a remotely supported learning experience.

The two core objectives for ESSYI can be accomplished no matter where we are in the world. First, students come to understand environmental problem-solving in interdisciplinary contexts. By learning from faculty who address environmental issues from a wide range of different perspectives, students come to see both the world and themselves differently. Second, each student leaves ESSYI with a better understanding of the college courses and/or majors they might want to explore, as well as potential career opportunities.

If we do move to an online program, ESSYI will still be a full-time, two-week program – the time required every day will approximate a regular school day, with a full day of coursework and work to complete most evenings. Completing ESSYI will still be worth a full academic course credit (4 semester hours). The cost of tuition will be partially discounted, at a level to be determined. (Note: Moving online would save money on food and transportation, but would also incur some additional costs, such as the technology required.)

We are confident in our ability to craft a unique learning opportunity that enables students to interact virtually with over twenty different experts and with other students across the country and world. The ESSYI Executive Director, Professor Jim MaKinster, has over 20 years of experience designing online and technology-enhanced learning experience for high school students. The Program Manager, Ellie Andrews, has over ten years of experience focused on the social science of environmental change and sustainability, largely in college and university settings.

Individual program sessions will combine asynchronous videos, online discussions and/or activities, and discussions over video conferencing software. Participating students will also explore, document, and share the natural areas and environmental issues in their own communities. They will be supported throughout by ESSYI staff (current Hobart and William Smith college students) who will work with individual students and facilitate online interactions among groups. Because ESSYI attracts students internationally, we will make accommodations and adjustments for those participating from other countries.

It is our hope that ESSYI is able to run as normal, but we want to assure each of you that, one way or another, we will provide you with what will be a transformative educational experience. If you are already enrolled, then we hope this provides you with some level of comfort. And if you are only just applying, we hope this gives you the confidence and assurance you need to enroll. We look forward to meeting each of you this summer. Whether face-to-face or online, the Environmental Studies Summer Youth Institute will be nothing like you’ve ever experienced.

Professor Jim MaKinster
Executive Director, ESSYI

Ellie Andrews
Program Manager, ESSYI